Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why Millennials are the Most Selfish Generation of them All

We are the Millennials. Born in the 90s and raised in the 2000s, our sense of pride and entitlement is unlike any other. More selfish than the generations that have preceded us, we believe we deserve more, need more and are more. While some of us sincerely believe we are the reincarnation of the hippie generation, I don't really see it that way. All I see is a want for change that is tainted with consumerism and self pity. Described best by American Horror Story's Madison Montgomery, she is the Millennials' perfect poster child. She captures the essence of what it means to be part of the Y-Gen.

"I am a millennial. Generation Y; born between the birth of AIDS and 9/11, give or take. They call us the global generation. We are known for our entitlement and narcissism. Some say it’s because we’re the first generation where every kid gets a trophy just for showing up. Others think it’s because social media allows us to post when we fart or have a sandwich for all the world to see. But it seems our one defining trait is a numbness to the world. An indifference to suffering. I know I did anything I could to not feel; sex, drugs, booze. Just take away the pain.”

 This isn't the first time that exact statement came out of a Y-Gen's mouth. Tumblr alone screams this. With thousands of reblogs and accounts saying the same thing: I hurt too much, Let's get numb, but most of all they yell and beg: pay attention to me. The strange part is Y-Gens are proud of this. They love feeling victimized by the world, they love getting attention. 
Each and everyone of us truly believes: we are the only one who hurts as much as we do. With every fiber of our being we like to think we're unique, that we are complex individuals. In this sense, many of us believe that no one could personally understand our thoughts and emotions. But what else is there to understand, when there are people in Venezuela and Ukraine who are hurting physically and mentally over the deaths of their family members. What else is there to understand when others desperately need our help. We slam the generation before us, and chalk it up to their problems. The thing is though, Millennials have grown up, and now it's our problems. 
Millennials are selfish because we haven't realized that we aren't really young teens anymore. We're a bunch of adults still stuck in our angsty teen phase, trying to figure out who we are. But, if you haven't already, you need to figure out your place in the world fast because it's time we take care of someone else instead. It's time we stopped yelling our generation's woes to the public. We need to start listening to what the older and younger generations have to say.  Maybe if we did this we could stop feeling so numb all the time. Through this, maybe we could actually make connections. And, maybe this would "just take away the pain" that every Millennial is feeling right now.