Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Holy Grail of Skin

I have finally gotten over a cold that lasted for about two weeks.Thinking my skin would only get worse after sitting in my bed all day and not even attempting to wash my face, my skin actually significantly improved! At first I thought that it was the huge amounts of NyQuil I took, but in the end I realised that it was actually a mix of...

Vaseline and my humidifier

Every night before going to bed I would slather my face with Vaseline and turn on the humidifier. Over time my face started to clear up including some of my irritated pores or break outs that are underneath the skin. The moment I stopped using these two things, my skin started to feel tight after washing it and started to break out more. This worked even better than the stuff my dermotologist gave me! I was curious so I decided to look up why vaseline/petroleum jelly worked so well on the skin.

Here's what I got: Vaseline is great for the skin because it takes a long time for the skin to absorb. It has emollients in it that repel water. These emollients replace lipids and fill the gaps in between skin cells. This means that Vaseline provides mositure to the skin while also creating a barrier and protecting it. It also reduces fine lines.  So as the petroleum jelly sinks into you skin overnight it moisturizes and protects it for the next day.

The Humidifier works in a similar way where although it doesn't create a barrier it provides moisture during an 8 hour period when your not drinking any water. Skin also needs a certain humidity level. So although you wont need to turn it on all the time, you want to use it during a drier seasons.

for more information check these two sites out: