Manthropology Panel: I'm a huge Chirssy Tegan fan, especially after her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover. I saw her lead a panel discussing a guy's perspective on things. She was everything her twitter says she is: fresh, funny, and honest- really honest.
Sophia Amoruso: The founder of Nasty Gal talked about her life before creating Nasty Gal and basically shared her tips on life. I think one of the most interesting answer she had was when she answered the question: What advice would you give to your younger self?" She answered by saying she wouldn't give any advice because she felt that she turned out alright. She mentioned that her younger self would eventually be able to figure things out. This seemed like an incredibly bold and brave statement. She seems to have accepted all her past mistakes as well as all of her present flaws.
Amy Cuddy: This was by far my favorite speaker out of the entire conference. Cuddy is a Harvard professor and has one of the highest viewed TED Talk. Her advice on confidently presenting yourself in a world where women feel inferior seemed to help a lot of girls. Here's a video of her Ted Talk if you haven't seen it yet.
TED Talk: Your body language shapes who you are
Here are some other highlights:
Editor in Chief of Cosmo: Joanna Coles' entrance with male models |
View of the Lincoln Center from the David Koch Theatre balcony |
Postscript: sorry for the horrible quality of some of these pictures. I was sitting far away and took the pictures with my iPhone.