Thursday, January 1, 2015

Septum Piercings

I've recently been really interested in septum piercings. While I'm not sure that I'm going to get my septum pierced (I'm a huge baby when it comes to enduring any sort of pain), I am getting a cuff soon. I think they can look really exotic, and they can be worn in some pretty unconventional ways. There's something about them that make people look effortlessly cool yet chic. Some celebrities are starting to wear it too, such as the Queen of  Edge, Rihanna, and also Jessica Biel at the Met Gala two years ago. Here are some inspiration photos of different ways to style a septum ring.

photo x james mccloud // muse: quin...

Not a fan of nose rings per se but this looks good on her. I have a nose stud.

mystic, light, yellow paint

Monday, December 29, 2014

Get Trendin' : Matchy Men's Suits

I was recently looking at Men's street style in One of the main pictures I noticed was a photo where a man matched his tie pattern to his pant pattern. While some might think this is too matchy, I thought it was wonderful. It really pulled the outfit together and created a clean look. Plus the burlap colored sports jacket with the leather bag was just so darn chic. 
I think people should match their prints more. So, here's my take on how to do the same thing for women:

Scarves and Pants: Having a similar print on your top half and then on your bottom half accentuates the print, but this can be overwhelming. Having a small item around your neck allows you to match prints without being too over the top. Think of the scarf being similar to a tie seen in the picture from Details. Below is an example of how to do this with a tartan pattern.

Matchy Matchy Blog Post
For product details click here

Layering underneath sweaters: Recently to a job interview I wore something similar in the photo below. The size of dots on the shirt varied from the size of the dots on the pants. This size variation and the sweater on top was able to break up the strong pattern, just like the sports jacket does in the photo above. I would suggest layering the strong pattern underneath a simple top. 

Polka Dot "Matchy" Oufit
For product details click here

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Living a #FunFearlessLife

Hey you. I just came back from NYC after an amazing time at Cosmo's Fun, Fearless, Life Conference. Over the two day period I learned so much, met new people, and fan girl-ed pretty hard.  Here are some picture and highlights of the conference.

Manthropology Panel: I'm a huge Chirssy Tegan fan, especially after her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover. I saw her lead a panel discussing a guy's perspective on things. She was everything her twitter says she is: fresh, funny, and honest- really honest.

Sophia Amoruso: The founder of Nasty Gal talked about her life before creating Nasty Gal and basically shared her tips on life. I think one of the most interesting answer she had was when she answered the question: What advice would you give to your younger self?" She answered by saying she wouldn't give any advice because she felt that she turned out alright. She mentioned that her younger self would eventually be able to figure things out. This seemed like an incredibly bold and brave statement. She seems to have accepted all her past mistakes as well as all of her present flaws.

Amy Cuddy: This was by far my favorite speaker out of the entire conference. Cuddy is a Harvard professor and has one of the highest viewed TED Talk. Her advice on confidently presenting yourself in a world where women feel inferior seemed to help a lot of girls. Here's a video of her Ted Talk if you haven't seen it yet.

TED Talk: Your body language shapes who you are

Here are some other highlights:

Editor in Chief of Cosmo: Joanna Coles' entrance with male models

View of the Lincoln Center from the David Koch Theatre balcony 

Postscript: sorry for the horrible quality of some of these pictures. I was sitting far away and took the pictures with my iPhone.

October Favorites

Hey it's me, and it's officially November! It's insane how fast this month went, and I feel like the next month will go only faster. The exciting part about November is Thanksgiving, and we can all start planning for Christmas (possibly the best holiday next to Halloween). Anyway now that's November, I thought I'd reflect on my ultimate favorites of October. Here it is. My month summed up in a few products:

Viktor and Rolf's Flower Bomb: I know I'm a little late to hop on this band wagon, after all the beauty gurus were raving about it last holiday season. But, I got the small bottle of it and have been in love with the smell. Get this perfume if you naturally gravitate towards floral, fruity scents.

Arcade Fire's Sprawl II: In the past, I only listened to some of their songs, but I stumbled upon this song a few weeks ago. I know it's a bit old (from their 2010 album, The Suburbs), but I have been listening to this non stop.

Steve Aoki: If you're into EDM, Steve Aoki is one of the best DJs. Definately check him out. It's great studying music.

Freeman's Clay Mask in Avocado and Oatmeal: The Freeman brand was a recommendation from a fellow writer at my university's life and style magazine. She originally suggested the cucumber peel off mask, but I tried this instead because of my combination skin. Let me tell you though, FREEMAN'S HAS THE BEST MASK OF ALL TIME. This mask works on the dry and oily parts of my face. So, it should work on all skin types. Check it out at CVS for about $4.50.

Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner: Growing out my hair for the past few months has been a struggle, especially now that it's getting colder. If you're having trouble with split ends or just extremely dry hair I would get this conditioner. It's one of those products where a little pump of it, goes a long way. It also works as a deep conditioner in the shower as well as a leave in conditioner. Buy it at CVS for about $10

Mini Bobby Pins: they're about half the size of regular bobby pins and are pretty darn cute. These are perfect for fly aways or baby hairs.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Inspiration: Veilin' It.

Recently, every time I go on my social media feeds, all I've been attracted to are pictures with veils. While I do love a gorgeous wedding veil (I'm still trying to recover from Kim Kardashian's wedding gown), I am talking about veils in a high fashion, vibrant colors, and somber looks type context. While these looks aren't so easily translatable to everyday wear, I still love looking at them from afar (sigh). Here are some of the veils, I fell in love with, all the way from a Medieval to futuristic feel.

Karlie Kloss by Patrick Demarchelier for Vogue February 2009.
Giorgio Armani Privé - Fall/Winter 2012-13
Patrick Demarchelier Urban Decay Inspiration Pin Naked #pinnaked #urbandecay

Saturday, August 30, 2014

taipei testimonies: A Photo Diary

I'm back from Asia with mountains of photos and cool do-dads. Unfortunately, I had to cut my trip a little short, and I wasn't able to go to Japan. But, I still had a great time in Taiwan!

If you're ever in Taipei here's a list of things to do:
- monuments! I know this can sound boring but their monuments are gorgeous and really remind me of DC
-eat dumplings at Din Tai Fung
- try a traditional hotpot
-check out creative parks (especially Huashan 1914)
- see (red) pandas at the zoo
-Temples (especially during Ghost Week)

Check it out, my seven day trip to Taiwan:

Queuing for the subway

Art in the subway stations

Mopeds beyond Mopeds
Taipei 101

A traditional hotpot with beef, fish cakes, tofu, and some beer.

Two of my mom's co-workers excited for hotpot

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Step Up Taiwan

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Offerings to ancestors at a temple

Wandering through the temple behind my mom

Trying Ox Tongue at Ipppudo Taiwan 

Dumpling baskets at Din Tai Fung

Lunch at Creative Park Huashan 1914

Walls of Huashan 1914

Left over wine factory buildings at Huashan 1914

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Guard at a Memorial

Ghost Week Offerings 

Protests at a construction site

Ladies and their Tai Chi

Byeeee Asiaaaa

Postscript: All photos were taken with my iPhone and a 3-in-1 Camkix lens.