Monday, November 5, 2012

Movie Mondays: Cloud Atlas

Verdict: 3.752/5 stars

Synopsis: An adventurous tale of finding love through reincarnation and through alternate universes while teaching a lesson about morals.

Over the weekend I had a movie night with my mom. To our dismay Argo was sold out, so we chose our second option Cloud Atlas. This should not have been our second option because: IT. WAS. TOO. BEAUTIFUL! The  settings truly made it seem as though you were there, discovering different alternate worlds, and although confusing, the story was unique. 
There was also a ton of star power behind it. Especially with the under ratedly cool Hugo Weaving  playing everything from a manly female nurse to a 1890s slave owner.  And the acting was all great. 

The only bad thing I would have to say about this movie was that it had a boring, chick-flicky lesson about true love/finding yourself/doing the right thing. And I know it's supposed to be about finding love and everything but i don't know why it left me really depressed... 

But other than that it was great! It is at the level where I am telling you that if you have not watched it yet: take some of your life savings (b/c movies are so freaking expensive now days) and watch it as soon as you can. like now. 

if your still not convinced maybe the trailer below will help: